
Statutory Careers Guidance

In July 2021, the DfE issued statutory careers guidance under Section 45A of the Education Act 1997 organised within the eight Gatsby Benchmarks - DfE Careers Guidance . This guidance was subsequently updated in January 2023.

Gatsby Benchmarks


Careers Strategy

The Academy's career, education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme is detailed in the Careers Strategy and documented in the Eastwood Academy Future Ready ( The CEIAG provision is reviewed annually in June/July. 

Should you require any further information, please contact Head of Careers, Mr. N. Dunn.
E-mail: or Tel: 01702 524341

Provider Access Statement

The Provider Access Statement sets out the Academy’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the Academy for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the Academy’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Measuring Impact

The Academy assesses and evaluates the impact of its career strategy in the following ways:

  • Scrutinising published destination data. Click here for the Destination Data Report.
  • Tracking Year 11 leavers in October and March against their intended destination. 
  • Online surveys for pupils, parents and focus groups. 
  • Feedback from external providers/employers. 

Information for Pupils and Parents


Year 11 pupils' official leaving date is the last Friday in June. They must then choose whether to:

  • Stay in full-time education - e.g. at school, sixth form college, further education college or University Technical College (UTC).
  • Start an apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • Spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering while also doing part-time education or training.
Information on Post 16 options | National Careers Service

Labour Market Information 

There are a range of videos covering the key sectors:

Finance Industry
The Creative Industries
Health and Social Care
Construction Industries
Digital Industries

Other useful websites include:

Links to key sectors on Thurrock Opportunities or Essex Opportunities
National Careers Service
LMI For All

Progression Pathways and Opportunities 

Southend and Thurrock Careers Hub Careers Resources (
Essex Provider Network
Find an Apprenticeship
Find a Traineeship
South Essex College Supported Internship webpage
Guide designed to support young people as they prepare for the next steps after Year 11 and Year 13 My Choices Guide for students | CEC Resource Directory (
Guide designed to support parents to guide their child through post-16 and 18 options My Choices Guide for parents/guardians | CEC Resource Directory (

Apprenticeship Information 

'Amazing Apprenticeships' have many resources, including Rapid Reads
Apprenticeships website
Apprenticeship parent packs
Apprenticeship information for employers
Apprenticeship information for each subject
Find an Apprenticeship

Take Your Child to Work Day

Click here for the Take Your Child to Work Day Presentation

Part-Time Employment 

Young people interested in pursuing part-time employment, should consult Southend Borough Council's Child Employment Guide

Information for Pupils and Teachers


Careers in School Subjects

Careerpilot : Jobs by Subject

Where can your option choices take you? | My World of Work

Curriculum Pathways Booklet 2022

Apprenticeship information for each subject

Information for Employers

How Can You Support Us?

Having employers like you helping to inspire young minds and transform attitudes through a range of activities and opportunities is the foundation of an excellent careers programme as set out by the Gatsby Foundation’s eight Benchmarks of good practice and the Careers and Enterprise Company.

Specifically, you can support the Academy in the following ways:

  • Be part of our mock interviews with Year 10 or 11 pupils and help them structure their CVs.
  • Get involved in extracurricular clubs and activities.
  • Give an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role.
  • Provide a coaching/mentoring service through a structured programme.
  • Run a hands-on workshop with activities relating to your area of expertise.
  • Be part of our discussions about pathways after school, e.g. apprenticeships.
  • Help champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability etc.
  • Help bring a subject lesson to life by linking it to your industry.
  • Offer a work experience placement for pupils at you business premises.
  • Become an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and offer a work experience placement that is co-supported by the Academy.
  • Provide a Supported Internship opportunity.

The Academy has the benefit of a key business volunteer who works with us on a strategic level, encouraging the development of our careers programme and connecting us to the business community across the county.

This role is recognised nationally as an Enterprise Adviser (EA) and they are part of the Southend Careers Hub community of support driving the connection between careers education and the business sector. 

The Academy's EA is Mrs. L. Chalkley. She would be delighted to discuss how you could get involved in our programme. Email:  or Tel: 01702 534253


October 2021. Congratulations to Mr. Dunn and the Careers Department for securing the Skills Builder Bronze Award. The award recognises a commitment to the development of essential skills such as: speaking, listening, teamwork, leadership, creativity, problem solving, aiming high and staying positive. 



July 2020. Congratulations to Mr. Dunn and the Careers Department for their engagement with the Teach First Careers Leader Programme.

