
The Academy’s ethos ‘Believe, Succeed, Together’ is a belief that all pupils can and will succeed in a learning community which supports and values everyone and their achievements.


  • To provide a safe and secure environment in which all pupils are able to achieve their potential.
  • To provide an environment in which pupils feel proud of the school, shown by their excellent behaviour, attitude to learning, attendance and punctuality.  
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all pupils with the opportunity to achieve the ‘English Baccalaureate’ (EBacc).
  • To provide a learning environment in which the majority of teaching is outstanding and never less than consistently good.
  • To provide opportunities for all pupils to develop essential transferable literacy and numeracy skills.
  • To provide a broad range of opportunities and experiences through a comprehensive personal development and enrichment programme.
  • To provide an environment in which every opportunity is taken to celebrate and share success.
  • To provide an appropriate range of opportunities and experiences so pupils are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training.



