Mental Wellbeing

Definition of Mental Health

Mental health is about the way you think and feel and how you deal with 'ups and downs'.



Where Do I Go if I Need Help?

If you are finding it difficult to cope, you feel overwhelmed, or are concerned about someone else, please speak your Form Tutor and/or Head of House.

The Academy has a BACP qualified counsellor and access to a NHS School Nurse. These professionals are experts and can talk to you; they want to help and are dedicated to helping those like you. You are not alone.  

The websites below may also provide you with useful information:

Anxiety UK:  Self help and contacts for those with anxiety disorders.

B-eat: The UK's leading charity supporting those affected by eating disorders and campaigning on their behalf.

Campaign against Men Living Miserably (CALM): Targeted at men aged 15-35 – Helpline: 0800 585858 Saturday-Tuesday 5.00 pm-midnight.

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust: Awareness, information and resources for those who are depressed.

Calm Harm - free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm: Home - Calm Harm App

Childline: 24-hour Helpline: 0800 1111. Information, advice and emotional support for young people

Cruse: Bereavement care. They have a specific website for young people;

Marie Collins Foundation: UK charity enabling children who suffer sexual abuse and exploitation via internet and mobile technologies to recover and live safe, fulfilling lives.

Mental health information and advice: and Home - Mind

Mindfull: An online service for people aged 11-17 providing support, information and advice about mental health and wellbeing.

No Panic: Helpline for anxiety disorders and panic attacks:10.00 am-10.00 pm every day: 0808 138 8889.

OCD Action: Information and support for OCD and related disorders such as Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Papyrus: Organisation looking at the prevention of young suicides.

Samaritans: Telephone 116123 for emotional support.

SelfHarm UK: A national project to support young people impacted by self-harm.

Stamp Out Suicide: Points of contact for those feeling emotionally vulnerable.

Stem 4: Teenage mental health charity aimed at stemming commonly occurring mental health issues at an early stage.

Students against Depression: Information and help for anyone feeling depressed, aimed particularly at students. Self-help strategies for those with depression and/or their friends.

Youth Health Talk: video interviews with young people’s experiences of depression.

Shout for Support in Crisis:

Kooth - anonymous and personalised mental health support: Kooth for Children & Young People - Kooth plc

Livewell - lots of information and advice on how to stay well: Livewell Southend

Early Help and Familiy Support: Early Help, Family Support and Youth Offending Services - Street Engagement | Livewell Southend

CAMHS (NELFT) - Adolescent Mental Health Service: Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) CAMHS | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
