Definition and Key Staff
Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm, safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment and safe from radicalisation.
Mr. D. Piercy, is responsible for monitoring the strategic and operational effectiveness of safeguarding.
Mrs. N. Lillywhite, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
Mrs. M. Philp, Mrs. L. Rutter and Mr. S. Harrison are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL).
A number of senior leaders also hold level 5 safeguarding training.
Safeguarding Contacts
If you have a safeguarding concern, please use one or more of the contacts below:
E-mail the DSL in the first instance -
E-mail the Local Authority -
To report your concerns to Southend Children's Single Point of Contact Team, you need to download and complete a request for service for, which can be found on Childrens Services – Information | Safeguarding Southend Partnership
Make a referral to the DfE’s counter-extremism division at
Policies and Documents
Click here for Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Click here for the DfE's Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Click here for the DfE's What to do if you are Worried a Child is being Abused
Click here for the DfE's Keeping Children Safe from Harm - Advice to Parents
Click here for guidance on Sexting
Click here for guidance on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Against Children 2018
Extremism and Radicalisation
'Extremism' is a belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable. It may include values and ideologies which may well be legal, but which could place people on a course towards supporting illegal, violent extremist views.
'Radicalisation' is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.
Children and young people have a natural curiosity which, as parents, we want to encourage. However, as our children grow up we have to take different steps to ensure their safety.
Currently a number of young people have been persuaded to leave the country against the wishes of their families, or in secret, putting themselves in extreme danger.
As a parent you may be worried about how extremism and radicalisation might affect your child. The following information may be useful in recognising the signs and supporting your child.
Click here for the DfE's Prevent Duty and Prevent Duty Guidance
Click here for the Parents' Guide to Extremism and Radicalisation
Click here for the DfE's Use of Social Media in Radicalisation
Click here for the DfE's Education Against Hate
Click here for Victims of Terrorism Unit, which includes access to support services, including mental health and other medical services.
Click here for Channel Programme Guidance
County Lines
'County Lines' refers to a type of criminal exploitation in which gangs and organised crime networks exploit children to sell drugs. Often these children are made to travel across counties, and they use dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’ to supply drugs.
Click here for Home Office guidance on County Lines
External Support
Is This OK? is a free, confidential, and anonymous, digital gateway for young people aged between 13-18 at risk of, or currently experiencing, sexual or criminal exploitation and/or abuse. The staff are trained professionals who want to help you through anything you are finding difficult. You can also contact us if you are worried that someone else is being treated badly or abused. It’s all free, confidential, and anonymous.
Private Fostering
Private fostering arrangements are made, privately, between two parties for a child under the age of 16 (18 if disabled). This arrangement would be with someone who is not a parent or close relative, and is due to last 28 days or more.
For further information, please refer to